Daikin Thermostats and Cloud Services: www.daikinone.com
Daikin Thermostats and Cloud Services
Customizable Dealer Membership for Marketing:
Use product registration as document you upload to submit a rebate. Do not use your company’s invoice. To file a Rebate claim or buy downs visit https://dkng.conservationrebates.com/dealer-portal/
Create an account or Sign in
Warranty Claim Info
- If you are filing a warranty claim you will go to the partner link: https://securenet.goodmanmfg.com/index.jsp
- Log in and then click on warranty express.
- Click on “Claims” and then “New”.
- If you have any questions please contact, Desiree Chavez. Email: desiree.chavez@tmi-stl.com, Phone: (636) 778-7589
- Go to PartnerLink
- Use “daikin” as username and “dealer” as password
- Click on marketing tools and you will have access to:
Daikin Logos
Daikin Product Images
Radio & TV Commercials
Social Media Posts
Daikin Company Store
Lifestyle Images examples
Billboard Examples
If you don’t have an account, please fill out the form below and we will make you one ASAP. You can download the Pricebook app through the app store or access it through https://dealer.pricebook.digital/login
Daikin thermostats and cloud services: https://www.daikinone.com/
Customizable dealer membership for marketing: http://www.thedealermembership.com/
Consumer Instant Rebates & Financing Buy-Downs
Use product registration as document you upload to submit a rebate. Do not use your company’s invoice.
To file a Rebate claim or buy downs visit https://dkng.conservationrebates.com/dealer-portal/. Create an account or sign in
EGIA Optimus Financing
- Sign up for Optimus on https://optimusfinancing.com/
- Click on “Enroll Now”
- Register
- New User
- Add Optimus Partner Info
- Green Sky
- Advantage Alliance
- Microf
Financing Lenders in the portal
Warranty Claim Info
- If you are filing a warranty claim you will go to the partner link: https://securenet.goodmanmfg.com/index.jsp
- Log in and then click on warranty express.
- Click on “Claims” and then “New”.
- If you have any questions please contact, Desiree Chavez. Email: desiree.chavez@tmi-stl.com, Phone: (636) 778-7589
Assure Extended 12 Year Labor Warranty
- Contact Alanna Ketchum to sign up to offer 12 yr extended Labor Warranty
- Once in Warranty Express, it should say “Welcome” (with your company name)
- Hover your mouse over Extended Warranty
- Click on Purchase and fill in the information
- When selecting warranty plans please refer to your asure warranty sheet in pricebook
- Under homeowner information, you can select e-sign or attach.
- The Homeowner will need to sign the service agreement. You are able to emailthem this document or have them sign it. It will need to be attached with their purchase
Daikin Marketing
- Go to PartnerLink
- Use “daikin” as username and “dealer” as password
- Click on marketing tools and you will have access to:
- Daikin Logos
- Daikin Company Store
- Daikin Product Images
- Lifestyle Images examples
- Radio & TV Commercials
- Billboard Examples
- Social Media Posts
Pricebook Matchup App
EGIA Daikin Elite Membership
- $4308/year ($399 a month)
- 8% Contractor Buy-downs fee on Daikin FIT Systems
- 5% on 16 SEER and above
- Daikin Workshops/ EGIA Workshops
- Online Training
- Daikin Best Practices
Daikin City
1. Go to Daikin City to create an account/login in
Note: if you are creating an account it will take a few days to be added to the system
Once you are approved and log in, you will have access to:
- Manauls
- Product Information
- Applications
- Controls
- Service
- Marketing (product images)
- Brochures
- Tools
If you don’t have an account, please fill out the form below and we will make you one ASAP.
You can download the Pricebook app through the app store or access it through https://dealer.pricebook.digital/login